Powerful Morning Ritual.


Following are some of the powerful rituals one can follow to achieve productivity and success in life and at work.

  • Meditation-  Though I have been always not a big believer in meditation but according to the study I have done it helps a lot to gather yourself and your thoughts together. 

Simple steps to meditation.
1) Find a quite environment
2) Put a meditation music ,you tube meditation music 20 minutes.
3) Sit in a comfortable position, leg crossed hand on knees.
4) Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing if many thoughts come in your mind don't          worry just come back to your breathing.
5) Continue siting at one place without moving or running thoughts in your mind. Achieve presence    and clarity in your mind.
 I personally find it difficult to keep my mind clear but the trick is to let the thought pass by like a cloud in the sky and concentrate on your breathing.

  • Affirmation- there are various kinds of affirmations the most effective one would be declarative affirmations the one thought in the book Think and grow Rich by Napoleon Hill ( Highly Recommended).I have been listening to the following affirmation .

  • Visualization- watch movie the Secret for knowing more about visualization.take 5 minutes close your eyes and imagine the things you want to do today and this week. Play the movie of your dreams again and again in your mind. 
  • Exercise- Though I am not an expert at this, my take on this is that different people have different bodies and they require different kind of training like weight training , Cardio, Yoga, Strength training etc  as I am skinny guy I do weight training and sometimes strength training 20 minutes a day.
  • Journal- Keep a book or a diary where you can plan out your day and write what are the key things you need to do today. at the end of the day check whether you achieved those task. You can keep different types of Journal like health , gratitude , work etc. The idea is to record your journey so you can find out whether you are growing or stagnant. 
 I hope you put this to practice daily. 7 days a week. 

There are no failure, only LEARNING LESSONS

Are you afraid of failure ? 

Don't be because it does not exist in reality. Only learning lessons exist. I will prove it to you. When we have certain goal in our mind and we are not able to achieve it. The unwanted outcome that we have achieved we name it as failure , rather the society  labels it as failure.In reality it is not you may be just few centimeters away from your goal. What if  Thomas Edison had thought that he had failed while discovering light bulb and given up his dream to discover light bulb. We would never have the light bulb. He had to go through 9999 ways not to make a light bulb in order to discover the way to make a light bulb at last. Failure is something you learn from and change your way to approach the problem.You keep on making small changes in your plan until you reach your goal . NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER EVER THINK OF GIVING UP. Success is not about, not getting hit by failures.It is about how many time you got hit by failure and still you got up and moved towards your goal.

Motivate Yourself By Taking Small Action.

We can get the most leverage out of our small actions, as in our mind we have to just take the action for 5 minutes or so. Human psychology is such that once you starts with certain activity most of the time it will finish the work completely and then only take rest. Hence by knowing this principle you can take the most out of your small actions. 

Some times in life we expect very little from ourselves. We think that we can only do so much. We are not as intelligent or as powerful as other successful people. Nothing can be more further away from the truth then this. If you go and find out about the now successful people as J.k. Rowling ,Oprah Winfrey, Chris Gardner and many more. They had to rise from the bottom to the Top. If they can do it, you can too. They are no different then You the only difference is they took constant action everyday towards their Goal. 

Follow this simple thing and get what you want in life.

Most Important Decision Of The Day- Getting Up early Morning

when i was in school i read this quote from my English text book.

Early to Bed , Early to Rise.

Makes a Person.

Healthy , Wealthy and Wise. 

Build a Habit

why we fail to succeed at our goals?
why this happens most of the time?
The no brainier answer to this questions is that we are not taking the action that will guide us towards our goal on daily basis. what we need is transforming the action into habit. it should be your necessity of the day to go and take action. if you find it difficult on some day just show up. just give it some time. 

Today i was not feeling to write the blog but i showed up and words are flowing out of my mind.When you start with any new action it will be difficult for the first 10 days. Then from 10th to 20th day you will feel comfortable with your action. Once you pass the 30 days mark the action will become your habit. for any action to become your habit you should consistently do it for  30 days. 

when you are feeling tired and not in mood to take action just take the first step towards the action. just show up at the gym and you will automatically finish your workout. 

Evolution the most important step

Hi guys ,As the previous article was a description of the five steps in evolution , i would like to elaborate more on the third step. the step of taking action.
At the ending of the article it says that if you want to reduce weight take action now, get up and go for jogging. well this is possible and you should do this. but what if you are reading this blog late night or you have some other work. you might not be able to go for jog. the key here is to take small action towards your goal. the action can be in any form. let see in the below example 

For reducing weight 

you can start finding out and reading some diet related books. surf on Google for information but caution don't get stuck in the web surfer mode , just find a book and start reading . use the tips and plan suggested in the book use them.

This is just an example you use your own imagination and let me know what action you took for accomplishing your goal.
Do write below in comments.

Evolution the never ending process

what comes in your mind after thinking of the word evolution? may be Charles Darwin or something else. In real life, evolution is the other name of life. In order to succeed in life one should always keep on evolving. The following are the 5 easy steps to check your evolution.

Step 1- Ask your self what is the purpose of your life?

At first finding answer to this question can be quite difficult but keep dwelling on this question unless  you get the answer. may be your purpose in life is to be a rock star or be a player of some sports or some business. whatever it may be , don't worry about the society what everybody will think. just let your mind go free for your goal.

Step 2- Make a plan to achieve your goal 

planning can be on paper or in the mind , but prefer to make a plan by writing it or typing it. Because the action of writing your plan is the first step to your success. if you encounter any problems in making the plan search for solution the web or ask your friends, family , loved ones. 

Step 3- Take Action 

This is the most important step to the process of evolution.This is what will make you a Success. don't think of what will happen if things go wrong. just go ahead and  TAKE ACTION.

Step 4-   Evaluate Your Actions

Off-course just taking the action would not work as you have to keep on checking whether your actions are in alignment with your goals. if its necessary keep making minor changes to your plan. As that is the case with evolution. but don't keep on jumping from one plan to another as this will lead to nothing. Be Focused in what you do.

Step 5-  Go to the first Step

this is what evolution is not getting bug down by failures and limiting beliefs instead always be willing to take action towards your goal. be a doer in the moment. the biggest enemy of success is Procrastination just go ahead and take a small step towards your goal. example if want to reduce your weight go for jogging right now. ya right now go get up.